The Wonder of Winter

A detail of The word, "Wonder", hand-lettered by Melani Grube.

The word, "Wonder", hand-lettered by Melani Grube.

Your inspiration for the season: Wonder.

A word to open up possibilities.

When the darkness of the winter lasts longer than the light, it’s easy to feel negative about a lot of things. Especially when it’s cold and you feel stiff.

But it’s a clearinghouse moment, a chance to clean your slate and re-evaluate your priorities before the rush and intensity of spring arrive.

I find meditative thoughts most effective and comforting right now.

These thoughts underscore the images in the painting, “Winter’s Icy Breath”. You can see more about this painting starting here or continuing here.

How do you feel about winter? Is it more upbeat for you than what I describe here?

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