Journey of Hope 2017 Exhibit: Work in Progress, Pencil Sketch
A peek behind the scenes for you, a Work-In-Progress sketch for the painting for the Journey of Hope Exhibit. I work out some of the concept for the piece on a separate piece of paper. I spatter paint on paper for the actual painting, then look for the image that expresses the theme I am working on in the random paint spatter.
For this exhibit, I am given a story of a writer’s journey from the depths of mental illness to mental health. My writer’s story is about Tourette’s syndrome. Since I work on paper, I use a separate page so that I can work out some of the details of the image. That allows me to sketch, erase, re-sketch without marring the surface of the final piece.
Also, I’m excited to let you know that I’ll be doing an official blast-off-launch-to-do-!!! for my brand new website in November. Putting this website together has been a major undertaking for me. Launching my website marks a milestone in creating the world I envision and a place I hope you’ll want to hang out in and build a community together. Stay tuned. I’ll keep you updated about the festivities in November.