You’re Invited to my Virtual Open Studio!

Open Studio 2020 Postcard Invitations featuring the painting, "Year of the Rat" by artist Melani Grube, for Sac Open Studios..

  Will you be there? Today, at 1 pm, I will be Live-streaming on Facebook with my Open Studio, as part of Sac Open Studios hosted by Verge Center for the Arts .   And I’m baking cupcakes for you!   Yes, I know you won’t be able to actually eat them, but you can…

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To Inspire You: Fly High

A thumbnail version of An illustration by Melani Grube of an eagle soaring high amongst the mountaintops and blue sky.

  Fly high and don’t let anyone take the wind from beneath you. Sometimes it may feel like you are the only one who believes in you. It’s lonely. It’s hard. And it’s the most important time to keep pushing on: it will carry you to your potential. Give yourself some love, ’cause you deserve…

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Winter’s Icy Breath: Preliminary Sketches

A detail from Eagle, Nesting Bird, and Wolf preliminary sketches for the painting, "Winter's Icy Breath", by Melani Grube.

  These are some preliminary sketches for my “Winter’s Icy Breath” painting. What is it like to be touched by winter? What creatures thrive in it? I’m not a fan of it, myself. But I have known a person or two who loved the cold. And after all, it sets a nice rhythm to our…

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Play Big!

Detail of an Illustration (by Melani Grube) of a woman playing a very large string bass, a ribbon-framed corner and a flurry of butterflies emerging from the strings.

  How are you enjoying your Saturday? Let me encourage you to: Play Big! Work, rest or play, let’s put everything we’ve got into each day,  and we will make a difference in our lives and the world around us. Fiddle on.

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Illustrated Title Banner for the Painting, “Wild Horses”

A detail from Hand-lettered title for the painting, "Wild Horses", with illustration element of a horse head with flowing mane.

  Happy Sunday! I hope you are having a wild and wonderful time. “Wild Horses” is the title of my newest painting for which I have been sharing the work-in-progress pictures. Now, watch for my next post when I reveal the completed piece. What is your favorite thing to do on Sundays? Tell me about…

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Preliminary Sketches for the Painting, “Wild Horses”

A detail from A preliminary pencil sketch for the "Wild Horses" painting, of running, wild horses, featuring one looking back.

These pencil drafts (see the second image below) are the second phase in the creation of my paintings. (You can see the paint spatter in the first phase here.) They’re messy and loose and far from refined. But the looser they are, the more they keep the spirit of the initial inspiration for the painting.…

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Pen and ink portrait of Native American heroine Sacagawea with her infant son on her back. Blue ink and blue wash featured.

  Happy Mother’s Day! In developing a pen and ink portrayal of Sacagawea, one famous mother, I created a lot of “good try’s” (those images that didn’t make the grade). First off, I was working from my imagination, because there are no photos of Sacagawea. There is a painting of her with Lewis and Clark,…

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Selfie, Sorta

Detail from A sketched "selfie" of artist Melani Grube. Red hair, bobbed, glasses, face.

  A selfie, sort of. A sketch of me, if I looked a little different. So, really, it’s a character sketch based on me. Sketching seems to be a series of choices. Which features do I include? Which features do I imply? How close to reality do I take this? How much do I let…

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The Girl Who Left Home to Learn David Hockney

A detail from Melan Grube's sketch of David Hockney's etching of Rapunzel, the Older, for his book, "Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm". A woman with incredibly long hair, flowing down her back and piled on the floor behind her. She wears a long gown and carries two white, long-stemmed lily flowers.

  Oh, I had such a fantastical afternoon, once upon a too bright Saturday. I found my way into the strangely dim, yet clear light of a brand new art center and its surprising gem of a show: David Hockney‘s Etchings from his book, “Six Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm“. These fairy tales are…

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